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Tag: Doctrinal differences

My Intro to Systematic Theology

Scriptures say, “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb 10:31). For me, it’s also a fearful thing to accept the new challenge of teaching Systematic Theology at our church. While studying Theology Proper, I’m already trembling with fear, concern, conviction and correction. Please say a prayer for

John Piper & Alister Begg preaching at 2024 Shepherds Conference?

With the understandable controversy over Alister Begg preaching at the 2024 Shepherds Conference (more about that here), I decided to look at their speaker lineup. Egalitarianism  According to the below video, John Piper is an egalitarian. Though the Scriptures forbid a woman to teach, preach, or demonstrate authority over men, and to remain silent in the

Let’s make Dogmatic Theology great again

Disclaimer: This is not an article or a formal position paper. It is merely a blog post to informally share my position on this subject.  Sadly, the following ‘D’ words have become dirty words in today’s evangelicalism.  Most today have been brainwashed to believe the aforementioned words are negative. Without apology or reservation, I freely

Jews assault Christian women for evangelizing them in Israel

Disclaimer: Evidently, prior to what’s depicted in this video, these ladies were preaching. Though we should be thankful they are evangelizing. I do not believe women should preach publicly. Therefore, I do not endorse that method of their evangelism. In this video, you will see a group of Jews cursing, spitting on, assaulting, and kicking