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Tag: Inerrant Word

A scathing introduction to the Gospel, by Eric Ludy

The Lord is using Eric Ludy and his wife in many big ways. The truth is a born-again Christian (a follower of Christ that repents, believes in, and obeys His Gospel) must share the Gospel, and be ready and willing to die for Christ. Eric you’ve been tagged (again).

A sermon audio of Proverbs Chapters 29&30 (Rebuking heretics, defending God’s Word, scoffers, those blood sucking daughters and the entitlement culture, Agur’s four round bursts of wisdom, and much more)

A sermon audio of Proverbs Chapters 29 & 39. This sermon includes but is not limited to ~ Rebuking heretics and their demise The story of a heretic that would not repent Scoffers, and how one verse can apply to the 1992 Los Angeles riots How our children can become a societal problem The sins

Warnings of ‘The Message’ Bible translation

A Watchman warning. Stay away from “The Message” Bible translation (and others alike.) It’s is not the Word of God. It is at best a Christian book, or a “loose paraphrase” of the Bible. It’s a bi-product of the purpose driven, postmodern, politically correct, Biblically incorrect, emerging church movement. Where supposed to water down the