Sermon jam on ‘What it means to Biblically ‘believe’ in Jesus, in John 3:16,’ by Bill Rhetts (a counter to easy-believism) This audio will help you better understand the doctrinal errors of easy-believism. Jesus said in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in
An audio message of the funeral for my dad – Bill Rhetts, Sr., by Bill Rhetts, Jr. Today I had the privilege of officiating my dad’s funeral. Our parents’ pastor was gracious to bestow that honor to me. The chapel was well attended with family that we hadn’t seen in many years. As well as
This message is very old, but is so applicable to the post-modern church today. So many today are mitigating the inerrancy of the infallible Word of God. That is a form of apostasy. Oh how they will be miserably surprised. Notice that the standard of test is all based upon the Word of God. Not
The Lord is using Eric Ludy and his wife in many big ways. The truth is a born-again Christian (a follower of Christ that repents, believes in, and obeys His Gospel) must share the Gospel, and be ready and willing to die for Christ. Eric you’ve been tagged (again).
Eric Ludy read heretic Rob Bells’ newest ’emerging church’ book. Bells’ heresies and false doctrines drove Eric to an even more righteous indignation; hence to preach this prolific message. But it’s not just Bell’s book, it’s many others. He also talks about the heretical, immoral, criminally minded, Bible publisher called Zondervan. For over a decade
A sermon audio of Proverbs Chapters 29 & 39. This sermon includes but is not limited to ~ Rebuking heretics and their demise The story of a heretic that would not repent Scoffers, and how one verse can apply to the 1992 Los Angeles riots How our children can become a societal problem The sins
A Watchman warning. Stay away from “The Message” Bible translation (and others alike.) It’s is not the Word of God. It is at best a Christian book, or a “loose paraphrase” of the Bible. It’s a bi-product of the purpose driven, postmodern, politically correct, Biblically incorrect, emerging church movement. Where supposed to water down the
On January 13th, 2013 Dr. Laurence White gave this message entitled “The sin of silence.” His message called on pastors and Christians to repent. He called pastors to not desire to be popular. To not desire to be accepted. To not desire to have big churches, and big salaries. But to be “faithful,” and to
Gods Biblical warning about the dangers of reading many books, including Christian books which can be part of the apostasy DONT KILL THE MESSENGER: Open your Bibles to Ecclesiastes 12:9-14. The second half of this video is where most Christians will disagree with. That’s that we are to spend more time reading Gods’ Book (the