As I write, I must admittedly say this. Only by the grace of God did He grant me repentance from the Arminianism seen in the below screenshot. Regretfully some of my former Arminianism still resurfaces on the internet. I hate that about me, but this is the now. In response to the ARMY Black Hawk
I enjoyed watching the U.S. Senate confirmation hearings of Pete Hegseth. Hegseth would be a far better Secretary of Defense than who we have today. But he wobbled on homosexuals and women in the military. The below video is how I hope I would have responded regarding her demanding he change his views on women.
The biggest military threat to America has been China, and now China intends to build a military base in Cuba, just 90 miles from the U.S.A. If this happens, this will undoubtedly be the beginning of the end of America as we know it today. Because I have a Biblical worldview, not an American one.
There’s much debate about whether our U.S. military invasion of Afghanistan & Iraq was moral or not. But there’s no doubt their invasion of the South was immoral. Therefore, I salute the Confederate soldiers who fought and died on their own soil, for their countrymen.
During this holiday season, my theme was memorializing the most prolific, powerful, and prophetic Memorial Day ever. One that I formally celebrate monthly. Though this Memorial Day is the most important, it was also an opportunity to thank our Veterans for their service. The “Atheist” was very mellow, but the aggressive ones will be commenting
When I saw the below news article entitled “Revival hits army base with 1459 receiving Christ,” I just had to read it. Though there are many things wrong with this story, the following is my synopsis. Their so-called “found faith” is not something to be found. Faith is a gift from the Lord (Eph 2:7-9).
Politically speaking, this guy is absolutely correct, and he’s objective. Over the years my own ‘views on war’ have changed greatly. And the more the Lord sanctifies me, the more my ‘views on America’ change. I am no longer “proud to be an American,” because God hates the proud (Proverbs 6:16-17; 8:13; 16:5). I no
This is not my preferred method of evangelism, but for a season. On this day I spoke with many people coming in and out of the VA Hospital, as well as some passerby’s. Here’s a portion of a much larger labor of love.
I didn’t have much time with this fellow, but I pray this was enough of the ‘truth in love.’ But thanks be to God, he has one of my tracts. The Bible makes it very clear that the natural man cannot understand, unless the Lord draws him to Himself. Please pray for this dear old