Yesterday I labored the Gospel at the funeral for slain Whittier police officer Keith Wayne Boyer. By the grace of God, and for the glory of God, He enabled me to personally distribute hundreds of Gospel tracts. These tracts present the Law of God, they warned them of Gods wrath, and their deserved punishment of judgment in
Pastor Zephaniah and a few other Christians engage the masses at a pro Planned Parenthood rally. As you can see in these videos, this rally consists of pro-abortionists, homosexuals, and feminists; all haters and enemies of God. Pastor Zephaniah and his team not only have a high view of the local church, and her ecclesiastical
Police Officer’s Death Investigations – a Theological Perspective Warning: This article is Rated ‘R’ for graphic content, viewer discretion is advised. In law enforcement, I investigated with corpus delicti in mind. Then, as a private investigator, building a case for habious corpus. But as a theologian, what matters more, is the knowledge and faith in His
xBy Gods grace today I was able to put my boots back on the ground. I bet these landscapers didn’t realize they would be attending a church service. That’s where pulpits should also be, in the gutters, the highways, hedges, and byways. Yesterday I had shared on Facebook that sadly many ‘professing’ Christians were at
Yesterday I spent 7 hours laboring the Gospel at the funeral for slain Palm Springs police officers Lesley Zerebny & Jose “Gil” Vega.’ By the grace of God, and for the glory of God, He enabled me to personally distribute 1,000 Gospel tracts. To maximize my effectiveness, the Lord provided the perfect places to stand,
Many police officers – deputies (and lost citizens) will be offended by these messages that I conveyed to these many students, but it is the Gospel truth. However, if a person is born-again, they will then be enabled to comprehend this. “But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for
On October 5th, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Sergeant Steven “Steve” Owen was tragically executed by a parolee named Trenton Trevon Lovell. According to one police source, a witness initially observed Sgt. Owen tactically deploy on Lovell. According to this source, Sgt. Owen as expected, had his firearm un-holstered, and was giving commands to Lovell.
Remember my post warning others that “Sadly many Monday morning quarterbacks on social media, have fueled the flames of this anti-police rhetoric. Henceforth, they are irresponsibly peripherally responsible for inciting these violent attacks on our police.” According to the below article, it now appears that Lavish Reynolds (aka Diamond Reynolds) gave a “false narrative” when
Shortly after I arrived at this location, another street preacher whom I’ve never met before arrived. Normally when this occurs, the pulpit is claimed on a ‘first come first choice’ basis. But in this case, we shared the pulpit, each preaching for ten minutes. I shared one of my police shootings with this crowd. And
This has been a difficult week in articulating the Gospel. In this sermon, it took half a sermon before I kicked into gear (not a theological term). So please pray for me. But I am encouraged by the words of the Apostle Paul. “For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: