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Tag: Open-air preaching

A Militant Church will MAGA!

A Church Militant will MAGA! This is an excerpt from my sermon on Psalm 51, just days after Biden was elected. Trying to keep us fixed and focused on Christ, and… https://youtu.be/7a1iNOsdYHY #MAGA #VICE #BiblicalEvangelism

To intentionally not evangelize is a sin of omission 

Many today wrongfully believe evangelism is only for those who have the “gift of evangelism.” Though some are specifically gifted, or gifted more than others, we are generally all called to share the Gospel. For example. I don’t call myself an apologist, but I often engage in apologetics. I am to “always be ready to

Evangelizing Memphis Bus Depot

We need to make the Bible Belt Great Again. And the best way to accomplish that is thru the preaching, sharing, and teaching of the glorious Gospel. For the glory of God today I sowed lots of Gospel Seeds in downtown Memphis. At this bus depot I was able to distribute these Gospel tracts to

Jews assault Christian women for evangelizing them in Israel

Disclaimer: Evidently, prior to what’s depicted in this video, these ladies were preaching. Though we should be thankful they are evangelizing. I do not believe women should preach publicly. Therefore, I do not endorse that method of their evangelism. In this video, you will see a group of Jews cursing, spitting on, assaulting, and kicking