As a born-again Christian who’s ‘to the right’ of California’s compromised and corrupt Republican party, I find Tennessee Governor Bill Lee’s State of the State address very refreshing. However, I do believe in home schooling over the public school system. Tennessee is one of the most five freest states in America. “If we’re to embody
Today many pastors across America are joining Canadians in their protest against Canada’s ban on conversion therapy, as well as their new laws that limit their speech in regards to what the Bible says about sexual immorality. The Church today would do well to repent from embracing, following, or emulating postmodern pastors. Instead, they should
Based on social media posts and conversations I’ve had with some; it is obvious that many are becoming faithlessly desperate for a better nation. And for most of them, their solutions are not Biblical, but rather are carnal, secular, political, and/or pragmatic. Consequently, I’m seeing a rapid increase of bringing nationalism into the church, and a
Because of the unhealthy state of our nation, I am seeing an increase in nationalism coming in and out of local churches. I’m even seeing seemingly solid pastors share writings or videos from members of religions contrary to the Scriptures. But as I stated in a recent tweet – Though I appreciate a president or
In July of this year, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene spoke at the 412 Church in Murrieta, California. That news gained my attention for two reasons. First, this church is located in my Inland Empire region, and I’ll tell you the second reason later. I watched the video of Greene’s speech, and I agree with most
I don’t engage in satire or parodies, and rarely this type of humor, but I couldn’t contain myself. I acquired the quote at the end from my friend the late Pastor Layne Livingston.
In this Podcast I discuss G3 Josh Buice and Paul Washer’s wrong application of Romans 13 during the COVID “pandemic.” And I give examples how I have Biblically applied this Text as a police officer, which includes praising one Church, while killing an assassin at another Church. Remember church. It is not discernment when one
The below is a Probable Cause Declaration written by FBI Agent John Y. Nagashima. I am not writing this with animosity towards this Agent, he’s simply doing his job. The reason I share this is it shows how the FBI (or any law enforcement agency) can use your own social media posts against you. I
Many social media threads are smoking in regards to the H.R. 5 ‘Equality Act’ that Congress just passed, and soon our U.S. Senate will vote on it. If you would like to know more about this liberal anti-Christ anti-Church legislation, read the text here, or review the video below (not an endorsement of the 700
The below photograph is courtesy of Jarrad Henderson of USA TODAY. It was taken on Jan. 6th at a rally in Washington D.C. This photograph depicts a violation of the first three Commandments. Forgive me for sharing it, but Christ’s Church must rebuke, oppose, and expose this grave sin against our Lord (Ephesians 5:1-21). This