Brethren, God-fearing men come to church to see more Christ, not more cleavage, mid-drift, or thighs. As a friend once told me, “God-fearing men come to church to keep their eyes on the Prize, not on her thighs.” Men should not have to be faced with the visualization of exposed – sexually oriented body parts
How do we respond to a ‘Christian’ that’s sexually immoral? A Biblical pastor or Christian, would not acquiesce. And true love does not shack up, fornicate, or adulterate. True love waits.To hear more about this, and the “registered sex offender harlot women” of Proverbs Chapter 7, this message in its entirety can be heard here.
Warning: this video contains graphic images. The purpose is to show the consequences of the sin sin of seduction, lust; and the death that sin brings forth. botox in the church
An expository teaching of Proverbs Chap 11, which includes but is not limited to ~ Dishonesty vs honesty Business ethics Many different forms of perversity The most memorized verses by the world and/or carnal believers Biblical judging vs unbiblical judging What legalism is not How not to dress your pet pig Modesty, the Redlands Pastors
This 38 minute expository teaching of Proverbs Chap 6, includes but is not limited to ~ The warnings of making promises, sureties, & pledges The folly of indolence, sluggards, & lazy men Being a bond slave to the State (and welfare) vs being a bond slave to Christ How Satan loves it when people submit
What a breath of fresh air. Sadly, today’s Evangellyfish would wrongfully call him unloving, ungraceful, and/or a legalist. As I’ve said before, a sanctuary is supposed to be a sanctuary. If I want to see thigh meat or breasts, I can go to Kentucky Fried Chicken. “Thank God not to my lust, but to my disgust that this would be