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Tag: Sexual immorality

A PROFESSING “devout Christian” rapper was arrested for allegedly raping a quadriplegic in a vegetative state (her babies DNA shows him as the father)

According to this news source, another ‘professing’ Christian was arrested for serious sex crimes. The liberal media loves these stories, because this provides them an opportunity to exploit or slander a professing Christianity in a negative way. My intent here is not to help the liberal media further exploit Christianity, but to counter these stories

Justin Peters warns that ‘moralism’ and ‘politics’ are not the role of the church, that abortion and homosexuality are a form of Gods judgement upon America

Interestingly, this presentation was given during the presidency of Barack Obama, way before the slogan “Make America great again” became popular. Peters warns that professing Christians should not be so fixed on making America better. Because the role of the church is not to make America better again, it’s to preach (or share) the true

Short video of Dr. Pipa Addressing Same Sex Attractions and the 2018 Revoice Conference

Unfortunately today a growing number a ‘professing’ Christians, perhaps from every denomination (and non-denomination), have normalized same sex attractions. This belief is not only unbiblical, it is anti-biblical. To be objective, this false teaching is within reformed churches, and non-reformed churches. Recently I wrote a book review on a booklet entitled “Homosexuality and the Bible,”