This documentary is excellent and was produced by Dr. E.S. Williams. Williams is with the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London England. The same church once pastored by C.H. Spurgeon. Regarding Resolution #9. Though the original intentions were good. I had no idea that it originated right here in Hesperia, California. As the description field states, “False
If a professing Christian believes-in, or normalizes SSA’s amongst professing Christians, then I suggest they are either a liberal, bi-sexual, a homosexual, a false teacher, a capitulator, and/or an apostate. While discussing this very controversial subject, I discuss different forms of attraction. I tell an applicable story of a gorgeous woman that I and three
After spending a week reviewing many articles, videos, and Podcasts from various ‘professing’ Christians regarding the Chick-fil-A saga, I again saw nothing but compromise, and a lack of discernment. But in this Podcast I reveal that the Salvation Army is pro homosexual, including gay marriage. I also share some experiences as a police officer, and
Disclaimer: I am not being critical of the author, nor the persons in support of this bill that were quoted in the article. I see these folks (via social media) doing a mighty work for the Lord. My response is to a larger Christian audience, not mentioned in this article. So according to this
Admittedly I am not a gifted writer. I err often (grammar, spelling, sentence structure etc.). Sadly I’ve erred in doctrine too. But when I realize it (the doctrine), thankfully the Lord convicts me, and grants me repentance. Furthermore our Theology and Ecclesiology matters, so since this was written by the President of their seminary, and
Interestingly, this presentation was given during the presidency of Barack Obama, way before the slogan “Make America great again” became popular. Peters warns that professing Christians should not be so fixed on making America better. Because the role of the church is not to make America better again, it’s to preach (or share) the true
I am thankful that the Lord has changed me greatly in this area. But sadly today we see the faith of many professing Christians being effected, or even shattered, depending on whom might be in the Whitehouse (or not). But by the grace of God, so go I. “The New Testament for example, stresses that
This is an outstanding video. I suspect this leftist anti-biblical “social justice Gospel” has infiltrated the ‘professing church’ more than we think. Back in the 1990’s when I did work for the Christian Coalition, I had a private meeting with Congressman Ken Calvert. He clearly legislated the social Gospel with our tax dollars, and I
Though Christians should be engaged in our culture, as we love our neighbor, but not without being ‘salt and light.’ Apparently many don’t understand what being ‘salt and light’ truly is (according to the Scriptures). Furthermore, Christians are commanded to go out and preach (or share) the glorious Gospel, that is the paramount remedy. Having
This week my wife and I attended a lecture at Providence Christian College in Pasadena. The lecture was on ‘The Religious Beliefs of Key American Founders,’ and ‘Examining the Evidence for a Christian America.’ The speaker was Dr. Gregg L. Frazer. Dr. Frazer coordinates the Political Studies program at the Master’s University. He has spent