Podcaster Jon Harris has been engaged on the front lines in the spiritual battle for Biblical manhood, and Biblical courage. Most recently he has been contending for the faith in the sense that Christians are not to bow down and submit to the authorities in all matters. To address the right way and wrong way
In this Podcast I analyze a pastor’s video message, rebuking his apathy (or cowardness), and his elitist attitude. Costi Hinn made snotty derogatory remarks against Christians if they found a Biblical way to “work around the government” calling us nothing but “social revolutionaries,” or “zealots” and even “dangerous” to society. And he did that while
It’s time to step-up the game on this subject, and turn-up the heat. In this Podcast I include a video of an incident that occurred in our present White House, that is far worse the Clinton – Lewinski scandal, but Republicans, and sadly most alleged Christians are OK with. I compare how Charles Spurgeon handled
Today was the first day of California’s official ‘Stay Home’ order executed by our Governor (via Executive Order). However, he did say we could go to the “department store.” While the State tells everyone to “Do The Five!” The Church does its five. 1. Equip, 2. Send, 3. Go, 4. Preach, 5. And make Disciples.
This is only my second time back, since being served with a court order that restricts my evangelism. Thankfully it was non-eventful (in regards to the authorities).
In this Podcast I share some personal and professional experiences in regards to the U.S. Federal Court of Appeals. As well as what I did at the home of the Chief Justice. From OAN News, “The Boston bomber’s case is set to be re-examined this week after claims his death sentence was unfair. One America’s
A liberty rights law firm has offered to look into this matter (they saw my post on my former Facebook page). Though I am grateful for their offer, and I might consider them later, but for now I need to work this out with the Lord according to His Scripture. I think sometimes when we
It’s interesting to examine the comments under this video, I am not surprised. This man is still loyal to the two corrupt organizations that I’ve repented from – Roman Catholicism, and the Republican Party. I prefer to worship the God of the Scriptures (according to His Scriptures). Not a religion, a political party, a country,
I am thankful that the Lord has changed me greatly in this area. But sadly today we see the faith of many professing Christians being effected, or even shattered, depending on whom might be in the Whitehouse (or not). But by the grace of God, so go I. “The New Testament for example, stresses that
Politically speaking, this guy is absolutely correct, and he’s objective. Over the years my own ‘views on war’ have changed greatly. And the more the Lord sanctifies me, the more my ‘views on America’ change. I am no longer “proud to be an American,” because God hates the proud (Proverbs 6:16-17; 8:13; 16:5). I no