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Tag: Egalitarianism

5 reasons women should NOT street preach! By Ryan Denton 🛑🚫

I wholeheartedly agree with Ryan Denton’s message/warning. It is my personal opinion that the “ministry” that has done the greatest disservice to the Lord’s Church in this regard, is Ray Comfort’s Way of the Master ministry. For many years they have trained-up hundreds (maybe even thousands) of women to preach the Gospel in the streets.

The dangers of Q&A sessions at conferences – egalitarianism

I’d rather not include the names, but I just watched a debate on whether women should preach on the Lord’s Day at church. The Opponent did a fine job until he compromised during the Q&A. A woman asked the Opponent, “Does 1st Timothy 2:11-14 apply to women gifted in preaching outside the gathering of the

“By What Standard,” the controversial trailer, by Founders Ministry

In this documentary trailer Tom Ascol of Founders Ministry rightfully exposes the liberalism, feminism, egalitarianism and sexual sins amongst the Southern Baptist Convention. He states that one of the causes of the rise of heterodoxy and liberalism amongst Christendom, is they are told “what they must do is sit down, be quite, and listen!” In

Video of ‘The Gospel Invasion at a Pirates event where the preachers were assaulted and lives were threatened, Jezebels impeded the Gospel, professed believers heckled the Gospel & the police responded 3 times’

Folks if you’re one that believes that the only form of evangelism is the “Jesus with the woman at the well” scenario, or ‘casual conversationalism,’ you’re free to do so (and I do support those methods as well). However when you examine the Scriptures, the ‘public open-air preaching’ of the Gospel was the most utilized