I wholeheartedly agree with Ryan Denton’s message/warning. It is my personal opinion that the “ministry” that has done the greatest disservice to the Lord’s Church in this regard, is Ray Comfort’s Way of the Master ministry. For many years they have trained-up hundreds (maybe even thousands) of women to preach the Gospel in the streets.
This video will cause me to lose more friends. But in spite of its unpopularity, a Christian must espouse a Biblical worldview, and take a Christian stance. This is also how a Christian should demonstrate, and apply Ephesians 5:1-21. I’m seeing an increase of YouTube channels that are known for decent Doctrine, but consistently sound
In this episode I responded to a question, “Apart from the Bible, what book shaped you the most…? My answer goes against the establishment, and won’t be received well by some. I also explain how burning books can be Biblical, how we mustn’t boast in man or his books, how books must not negate our
Though I wish this did not have to be, this is great news, and we need to see more of this. The Southern Baptist “Church” has deteriorated so badly, that I believe it would be ecumenicalism, and possibly even sin to continue an association with some of them. In this video Pastor Jeff Noblit tells
I’d rather not include the names, but I just watched a debate on whether women should preach on the Lord’s Day at church. The Opponent did a fine job until he compromised during the Q&A. A woman asked the Opponent, “Does 1st Timothy 2:11-14 apply to women gifted in preaching outside the gathering of the
In this documentary trailer Tom Ascol of Founders Ministry rightfully exposes the liberalism, feminism, egalitarianism and sexual sins amongst the Southern Baptist Convention. He states that one of the causes of the rise of heterodoxy and liberalism amongst Christendom, is they are told “what they must do is sit down, be quite, and listen!” In
The feminist #MeToo movement has become extremely narcissist and vindictive. But in this particular case, it has risen to the level of blasphemy. Whereas 47-year-old “Rabbi” Tamra Kolton of Birmingham, Michigan has not only participated in this #MeToo campaign, but worse, she has slandered and committed blasphemy against God. As she falsely professes that Eve,
In this video I share my thoughts on the ‘Make Men Great Again’ event. Sadly ‘professing’ Christians are promoting and standing behind this. I also include a video of their keynote speaker (take heed to my warning). I talk about Christians being unequally yoked with the world, egalitarianism, and reversed roles amongst both sexes (aka
I post this in fear of the Lord, and with love for His bride (the church). Let us unify by rightly dividing the Word of Truth. Let us edify, equip, encourage, and build up the body of Christ. Dear Pastors, I challenge you to grab a whip of cords, and drive Beth Moore’s books out
Folks if you’re one that believes that the only form of evangelism is the “Jesus with the woman at the well” scenario, or ‘casual conversationalism,’ you’re free to do so (and I do support those methods as well). However when you examine the Scriptures, the ‘public open-air preaching’ of the Gospel was the most utilized