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Tag: Feminism

Women Civil Magistrates? A must-hear sermon by Dr. Joe Morecraft

For Christians to effectively engage in apologetics while defending and contending for the faith. We often apply polemics on the offense. And so, without apology, when we defend Biblical masculinity, we will often oppose egalitarianism & feminism. Dr. Joe Morecraft preached this sermon in 2008 when Sarah Palin was a Vice Presidential running mate with

Why I will not vote for Nikki Haley

Take note that I am not telling others whom they should vote for, but I will share my convictions here.  I will not vote for Nikki Haley. The world wrongfully proclaims that men and women are equal, but that is an incorrect teaching. Albeit men and women are equally created in the image of God, women

The blasphemous politization of Proverbs 29:2

I’m seeing various Proverbs 29:2 memes posted similar to this. Though we can apply this to our current circumstances in America, this verse is not speaking specifically of America or her politics. And it’s certainly not speaking of Donald Trump. Surely according to the worlds standards, Trump was a far better president than Biden. But

Faces of Feminism

I did not always hold this Theological position. But God willing, by God’s grace, He has granted me repentance and sanctification in this area. Whether they be Democrat or Republican. As seen in the below video. These are faces of feminism, and a rebellion against Gods order of creation. As I’ve stated in previous posts. It