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Tag: Hell

Scathing video message entitled ‘Beauty from Ashes – The Plan of God, and the Plight of Man;’ and the Doctrine of Gods Wrath (taken from Romans 1:14-18,) by Thabiti Anyabwile

Powerful sermon on ‘Beauty from Ashes – The Plan of God, and the Plight of Man;’ taken from Romans 1:14-18, by Thabiti Anyabwile In this message pastor Thabiti summarized this passage as, “The plan of God is to send unashamed preachers, to reach unreached peoples, to display His unparalleled power, and unearned righteousness, in saving

Video pleading with Christians at Victorville courthouse (and all ‘believers’) to repent, or quit calling themselves ‘Christian’

Pleaded with Christians at Victorville courthouse (and all ‘believers’) to repent, or quit calling themselves ‘Christian’ I usually don’t upload videos of my police encounters. However, this one I did. I was the suspect probably described as a male white, 6-02, 220, crew cut, wearing “camel’s hair and with a leather belt around his waist,