Sadly another shooting resulting in another murder at Linko’s Cocktail Lounge in Colton. This one happened early Sunday morning on the Lord’s Day. 🙁 Ironically I have entered this Bar many times, warning the Patrons of their soon coming death (video here or below). But first, the following news story is from the San Bernardino
As I labor though this expository teaching through the Psalms, I am confronted with verses 4-5 of chapter 5, and the Doctrine of God’s hatred of sin, as well as His hatred of some sinners (ouch). I also share the thoughts of many notable Theologians. I give an explanation and application of the Text, as
This same message was preached at two different locations this morning. I spoke about the ‘hope of heaven’ for their parishioners that were saved. While warning that some of their parishioners might not of been saved, that not everyone whom goes to church, or ‘believes’ in Jesus is saved. I preached on what Jesus said
Sadly today in America, the largest gun massacre occurred inside a church, whereas a gunman shot 37 people, killing 27 of them. Ironically it occurred on our ‘National Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church.’ Since the suspect is dead we may never know the true motive. In other words, was this an intended ‘persecution
The outline is as follows. 1. In verses 1-3 the ‘Nations are raging’ (a Theological conspiracy theory) A. The formality of their rebellion (2:1) B. The force of their rebellion (2:2) C. How America has ‘broken her bonds with Christ & cast away the cords’ D. The focus of their rebellion (2:3). 2. In verses
When I first posted this video, the YouTuber of this video (unworthyservant) advised his viewers that this preaching was at the exact same concert as was the shooting. It was later determined that information was incorrect. Yes this was a ‘Jason Alden’ concert, but it was in the Bay area, just days before the shooting
You may remember last year when Pastor Zephaniah and co-laborers were ministering at the front door steps of the ‘Family Planning Associates’ abortion clinic, located on Miramar Road in San Diego, Calif. That is when Abortion Doctor Robert Santella approached Zephaniah. Santella escalated the situation by going ‘chest to chest’ with Zephaniah, all the while
I have not followed any of this news, so I did not know much about this, until this morning when I turned my radio on while enroute to evangelize. I then decided to change the Text that I was going to preach from, and I used this instead. I denounced the hatred, racism, and murder.
Yesterday this man, Cedric Anderson entered North Park Elementary School in San Bernardino, whereas he shot a total of four people. One victim was a teacher (his estranged wife – Karen Elaine Smith), the other two were students (one later died), Anderson then killed himself. What is ironic about this, is Anderson is a ‘professing’
Warning graphic content, viewer discretion advised! Disclaimer: Regarding verse 9 of Matthew chapter 24, there is no evidence that this attack was a ‘Christian’ persecution.