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Pastor Michael Webber arrested at a Redlands Movie Theater, for preaching inside the theater

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I generally don’t say negative things about street preachers. The Lord knows I’ve fallen on my Sword many times. But according to their Facebook page, it appears this “church” engages in various unbiblical practices including egalitarianism, and slaying in the spirit. And this occurred here in my small town of Redlands.

Though I’ve never preached inside a movie theater, and I don’t intend to. Nevertheless what was troubling to me was not this pastor’s method, but his message.

According to The Christian Post, pastor Michael Webber reads from a script reciting the unbiblical man-made cliché, “God loves you, and that He has a wonderful plan for your life…” This message is straight from the hellbound pulpits of Joel Osteen and Rick Warren (and others alike). Though God does have an amazing love for His bride (His church), but to see what God hates; watch my teaching on Psalm 5:4-6.

Webber’s legal problems are nothing compared to having to give an account to God for failing to teach the whole counsel of God, both His goodness and severity. Hence, he has the blood of many men upon his hands (Acts 20:26-27). Then of course his unbiblical mystical sinner’s prayer adds more insult to injury. This type of evangelicalism is what creates false converts.

Another observation is, it is wise to wear a camera, or audio record your own preaching. Sadly these movie goers lied about this pastor, even causing the police to respond with assault rifles and shotguns (rightfully so). People lie about street preachers all the time, even professing Christians.

But being objective, and on the positive side, this pastor is correct regarding the widespread apathy of most local churches in this area, so I do appreciate his zeal. But we need zeal with knowledge. Please say a prayer for this pastor.

Missionary and Bible teacher Paul Washer has some strong words about this type of unbiblical man-centered evangelism, watch here.

For more about this story, watch this video, and click on the Christian Post article here.

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