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A video on ‘The Cup of Wrath,’ – a sermon by Andrew Bonar

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Andrew Bonar 1810-1892
Andrew Bonar 1810-1892

A video on ‘The Cup of Wrath,’ – a sermon by Andrew Bonar

The Bible forewarns that many professed believers (false converts) will worship another Jesus (2 Corinthians 11:4).

As I’ve said before, many within ‘America’s westernized churchianity,’ have formed Jesus into a figment of their own imagination, rather than submit to the image of Jesus as the Christ (the Jesus of the Bible).

Regretfully this was once me, and the Jesus that I once created in my imagination, was in direct violation of the second commandment. But by the grace of God, so go I.

Back in the 1800’s Andrew Bonar gave this sermon entitled ‘The Cup of Wrath’. Though the Word of God never changes, sadly pastors do. Henceforth, you will rarely hear most pastors preach the Word of God like this anymore. Listen to Bonar give this God fearing sermon about the Lord’s ‘cup of wine,’ and no, it was not a wine glass. – Chaplain Bill 🙂

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