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Video confronting the outskirts of Louisiana with the Gospel (a conversation with two men)

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While evangelizing in Louisiana, I went to rougher side of town, and observed several males loitering. I approached them and confronted them with the Gospel. I spoke about their destiny, and one claimed to be born-again already. However his friend that he was hanging out with, had no idea that he was a professed Christian. We engaged in a long discussion (a rebuke) of about his prosperity Gospel, and his acceptance Gospel, versus the whole council of God. The man on the left made many valid Biblical points, but I believe he was off in many areas. I told him that ‘his Jesus’ does not exist. I also briefly went over the law with him as well. I then distributed more tracts to others in this same area.

This is one of many videos of my ‘Southwestern States Open-Air Preaching Tour, Spring 2014.’ For more information about this four week trip, click here

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