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Videos of 10-year-old Joshua Hartinger preaching the Gospel in church, then in the open-air

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Warning bold preachingVideos of 10-year-old Joshua Hartinger preaching the Gospel in church, then in the open-air

On July 1, 2012, Joshua Hartinger preached this message “Love Warns” at Clearbrook Baptist church. This message was to prepare their local body to ‘go out’ and proclaim the Gospel.

What Joshua says in his short 9 minutes, has more meat in it, than many pastors preach in 45 minutes. The Lord has given this young man a gift, and I’m glad to see he’s using it.

I pray the Lord puts many encouragers in Joshua’s life. Sadly, a big obstacle that most Bible centered open-air preachers face in the streets, is by those that claim to be Christian; but attempt to either thwart our message, or discourage us. In last weeks outreach, it was one atheist, and two believers that shared their disapproval of our street preaching (that video here.)

As I’ve said before, if anyone professes to be a Christian, but does not want others to preach the Gospel while evangelizing, or doing missionary work; they are either unlearned new believers, false converts, wolves in sheep’s clothing; and/or are in bondage to unrepented sin.

Folks it is theologically impossible to remove the Gospel from the Trinity. The Gospel is intertwined with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Gospel is that important. If you have laid down the Sword (the Word,) then you are not wearing the ‘full armor of God.’

I trust the Lord will use these videos (and Joshua,) to exhort and edify the church. Stay bold brother Joshua, and persevere to the end. Glory to God.

Joshua’s brief message inside the church

Joshua preaches in the open-air

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