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Video preaching as a lady waving her Bible tries to emasculate the Gospel, others heckle the message, but many others are encouraged in the Lord, plus my own personal remarks

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I believe using the word ‘emasculate’ in this title is appropriate. Sadly there are many within today’s evangelicalism, who desire to ‘spiritually neuter’ men from their calling, but I will not submit to their spineless pseudō-Christianity. Though I did not go through the Law, the tracts do.

“If God had painted a yellow stripe up the backs of the elect, I’d go through London lifting up coats and preaching only to them. As it is, He has not, so I preach the Gospel to all, and God brings his sheep” – Charles H. Spurgeon

Update: Check-out the comment by a lady (Contonnia) that was in line. Soli Deo Gloria!  🙂

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