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Video preaching from Isaiah chapter 12 @ the DMV

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Today at the DMV I preached from Isaiah chapter 12. I preached both the Law & Gospel, both the goodness and severity of God. I then called them all to repentance. There were about 80 people standing along both sides of the building, so I used amplification. One angry man yelled for me to “shut the f!?@# up.” I used that as part of my message.

After closing in prayer a young woman stepped out of line to further discuss the message. God is so good. After our conversation, she then took a stack of my tracts and distributed them to the people standing in line.

I ‘generally’ do not upload conversations. Due to the nature of this conversation, I edited it out. I believe more fruit will come forth from this brief outreach. All for the glory of God, the edification of His church, and that the lost may be found.

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